SPMimages is an initiative to provide the Scanning Probe Microscopy community with a place to store, share, and search for high-resolution Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) images, with a particular focus on molecular systems studied with functionalized tips. This web-based data base aims to contribute to the development of SPM as a tool for the characterization and chemical identification of molecular systems. The platform currently supports the contribution of both experimental and theoretical images using the formats of most major vendors, and allows searches using multiple parameters. Contributions can include from a single image or 3D volume set to a whole directory structure –spanning a large group of files– compressed and tarred in a single file. The final goal is to include machine learning tools in the web server in order to help users with data mining and analysis of the information stored in the data base.
These contributions can be shared with the whole community or restricted to particular users using their emails during the upload process.
This project has been developed by a partnership between the SPM Theory and Nanomechanics Group (SPMTH, www.uam.es/spmth) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Quasar Scientific Resources SL (www.quasarsr.com), with financial support from the Madrid Regional Government under project IND2017-IND-7793.
New to SPMImages? Here is all you need to know to begin exploring SPM images uploaded by the community all over the world:
After loging in, the home page will show a panel with all the publications in the database, sorted by the last upload date. On that page you will be able to explore all of them or you may apply filters to the publications. That can be achieved by performing two searches.
If you are logged in you can upload images to the platform, adding them to the database. You can do it by going to the "New publication" site by clicking the link in the navigation menu.
When an image is uploaded, you can decide if it will be public, so anyone exploring the database will be able to see it, or private. By default, if you set it to private, only you will be able to access it. However, you can also select a list of registered users that will be able to access it too.